Saturday, August 28, 2010

the breadmans vault volume #1

he following rants from the breadmans vault serve to express views on current affairs. The players may have changed but the issues are the same.

Another blow to hockey ( June 16th 2007 )

Although I whole heartily agree with the severity of the problems concerning blows to the head, I worry about the trend to domesticate the game that has endeared fans of the game with its reckless abandon and sheer energy. I worry the fierceness and aggression that defines its appeal will be whitewashed in the name of political correctness. Most certainly there is intent when a hit is delivered, the intent being, in most cases, to demobilize the opponent, not to injure. Although blows to the head are unfortunate, they are inevitable.

I believe the issue at hand to be easily managed. Equipment has exceeded requirements. In the pursuit of safety for the individual, design and materials used in protective pads have made them a menace to the whole. A simple elbow, that Mr. Hockey made famous, can now be classified as a weapon not because of intent to injure but because the pads are now rock hard.Shoulder pads are nothing short of body armor.The equipment hockey players wear is meant to absorb energy,not generate lethal consequences. One could argue the players are bigger and stronger in todays game but I believe the advances in technology present proportionally a greater risk than remedy.

Creating a blanket ruling penalizing blows to the head, regardless of if they are intentional,could spell the end of body contact in hockey.
Please,let us think these things through before we institute yet another change to our great game in the name of appealing to demographics that care little for its survival.

Charging is a penalty! ( April 17 2007 )

There has been a lot of discussion on the legality of the hit Armstrong dished out to Eaves during the latest playoff contest involving Pittsburgh/Ottawa. Much of it in the context of yet another head injury. Any real fan of hockey will tell you its a hard, rough, game. Any reasonable fan will tell you brain damage is not an acceptable consequence of his need to be entertained. That being said, the issue of how to deal with this real concern continues to exist. As much as I love the hard, physical game, my concern is the league is going to do something about it and that worry's me. My advice is to enforce the rules that already exist. What has happened to the charging penalty? Has it been stricken from the books? In any given game, all year long and into the playoffs, you will see guys coming from across the ice surface to deliver a hit with no intention of playing the puck. Why no penalty? The existing rules state one can travel only a matter of feet before landing a check. If the league were to enforce this rule it would act as a deterrent regardless whether it was clean or the player had his head down.

Rule 47 Charging

Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner. A "Charge" may be the result of a check into the boards, into the goal frame or in open ice. A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates or jumps into, or charges an opponent in any manner. When a major penalty is imposed under this Rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, a game misconduct shall be imposed, and an automatic fine.

I can't stand it any longer! ( June 02 2008 )

You kids talk like you just invented the game yesterday.

Saying players are better today than when some of the best hockey players to ever lace up their skates played,besides being irreverent,is akin to saying money buys more now or car racing was boring in the 50's.I guess you haven't been around long enough to know that all things are relative.

It may be that equipment was elemental,tube skates,wood sticks,cloth and leather pads etc.,but to slight the accomplishments of these great players by stating that none of them could skate in todays game is just ignorant!

No Gretzky was not a fairytale your Dad told you,he did score 50 in 39 and he capped it with 5 in one game and if he were playing in todays game,at his prime, in this day of the phantom penalty,he would make hay once more.

And please,hockey players may not have always had the advantage of trainers but they have always been the fittest athletes in sport, thats 1st through 4th line.

diary of a breadman (August 13 2008 )

...Gary Bettman,for the love of mike,start protecting the game we have and stop worrying about the market we don't have....

...this new age of sport,money and entertainment make for strange bedfellows....

...little do they know that under the oiler hat,underwear,socks, the cavernous shell of a fan,void of joy, fixed on maintaining his bruised heart till next time,next time his team breaches the threshold of success hoping that beyond all hope a Saviour,a man of the twine will lead his oiler nation to the promised land and deliver them from temptation...amen !

...most enforcers couldn't skate with the fourth line in to-days game.What has developed,with the resurgence of the open ice hit,is a much more dangerous evolution....

...the league brings this attitude of disrespect onto the itself when players are left with no option but to act themselves... the day,guys like Yarko were irritating rats, but they were rats with eyes in the back of there heads because they knew they could only go so far,so far before the big dog on the block would chase them back into their hole....

...the speed,physicality and aggressive nature of our game coupled with creativity and momentum simply cannot be obtained without total commitment,pure emotion....

...let us think these things through before we institute yet another change to our great game in the name of appealing to demographics that care little for its survival....

...a decision made at ice level, with no regard for the press box or how much money was at stake or who could take his job.The man was in charge!He was proud to wear his name on his striped jersey.... the stripes carry two sets of books,one book to call the minor infractions and one tells them the number of Gary’s lackeys upstairs....

...the powers that be have twisted the game to suit outside influences squeezing out role players,focusing on offense and damning defense.... wish is that the sporting world open their collective minds to the reality that these are people we are judging,not inanimate objects on some game box....

...if the Canadian fan base is undermined there will be no foundation to build on....

...passion is a timeless spirit, traveling to one place and then another all the while multiplying,re birthing itself with each fresh stride,every rising shot ringing the post.... can be all about numbers, but that’s not what turns my crank.It’s the people,they are the juice....

...before the instigator rule and video review there was instant accountability,
fighting was a mechanism of control, respect by decree....

...Mr. Campbell...your obvious morphism to lap dog stature strikes me as regrettable and as disgusting as Dave Hodge making a case for the shootout, siting TV time constraints!!!

...true fans of hockey appreciate the game for its defensive qualities too.A defensive game seems to bring out a certain grade of excitement....

...#9 Glenn Anderson...the powers that be slight our hockey legacy when excluding his appointment.... a fan of hockey allow me to apologize for supporting a league that continues too deny the game its dignity....

That ought to make clear what edbread is about when it comes to hockey!

watch for it !


Friday, August 27, 2010

ultimate interface

ood mourning guys and gals. Sunday mourning and all is well in the world of sports entertainment blogging, I hope.

Many of you know me, well you are aware of edbread, a persona portrayed on this site. I have always maintained to all that will listen i am not far from what appears here on the page. Thats not really so, how could it be? You fine folk are not going to read about my faults, my downfalls , the bald spot at the back of my head, I'm just not going to be offering up everything about myself. Thats the beauty of this venue, the internet, virtual personalities can be whatever one chooses them to be.

Albert Einstein himself said that information is not knowledge. The 'critical thinker' will know not to take all he or she reads or hears as gospel. This is an hard lesson to learn, we humans are lazy by nature. It takes discipline and hard work to go beyond the surface of what is reported. Digging deeper should be the ultimate goal of anyone, especially the journalist.

Where does that reality leave the blogger? We usually are solely dependent on educated reporting of the news by professionals who have a window we don't. Which brings me to the point.

Care must be taken to identify these active members of the media that actually move in the world of sport. Information is disseminated daily by people who aren't responsible for its authenticity. People like you and I. People not always as up front about there credentials as they should be. It's one thing for edbread to leave an impression he has a full head of hair, its another for a paid contributor to pass off information, sometimes sensitive information, as word!

Thus ends the lecture of the day. Now where did I put that shoe polish?

Allow me to end this entry with something dear to my heart. We here at the Sporting News have been going through a transition period. Its not intention to address the reasons, just the fallout. That is to say we have lost many in the shuffle, yet, I am taking comfort in the many that have been coming on board as of late.

Please, lets all take some time to discover whom they are and welcome there efforts as they appear. I remember when I first arrived. It was thrilling to receive my first comment on an article I had entered. For me it had always been a dream of mine to write, never given the opportunity to pursue writing in the real world this was my stage.

You all know my bag is hockey. The following bloggers have captured my attention with their brand of writing and I would like to acknowledge their efforts while asking you my friends to please give them a read. Lets all band together and restore our venue.( just click on the usernames that follow)

Not all of these members are new to the site but all have been actively blogging as of late and deserve our consideration.

Take a moment and read the very first comment this blogger received here at the Sporting News.

The person at the monitor is the ultimate interface, please comment on our members efforts.

Thank You. Ed.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

breadmans vault

Welcome to another peek at past work. This format serves me well as time is tight , yet, I am hoping its relevance to the days topics strike home with some of you.

The year 2010 will see the NHL once again fore-go the NHL All-Star Game in favor of its athletes participating in the Olympics. I am not here today to make a case against that decision only to discuss why this fan believes it important and necessary the All Star Game exist.

kicking ourselves in the a$$. ..rant

The All Star event is all about process and not necessarily result. This premise applies to just about all the hype including the pregame controversy. I have made my views plain to all that know me, marketing the game is paramount. As much as the hardcore fan of hockey expects all aspects of the NHL to cater to his/her requirement to be entertained this game of ours must never forget it is a game. Frivolous fun is what endeared us to hockey and as the original Heritage Classic demonstrated to the world we honor our roots. This honorable commitment to play captures the fancy of the casual fan endearing them to our sport.

Process not result. Not that goal was scored, but, the puck picked out of the air than passed to another who in turn picked it out of the air to score.

Process not result. Not that the score was double digit, but, the game was filled with line combination's and dazzling plays we would never see in a regulation match.

Process not result. Not how the starting lineup was decided by the fan, yet, that the game entertains same. I don't believe anyone could say that it was not entertaining.

Two things rang loud for me whilst I watched. Over the course of the weekends events players slowly shed that guarded posture they arrived wearing. What with questions about who is there and whom is not. Suspensions and the sensationalist media that prey on discontent were not surprisingly timid, not loose. All that BS slowly evaporated. Arriving to crowds at the airport to meet them it very quickly became apparent they weren't in Tampa Bay. They arrived in the hockey hotbed of North America, Montreal Canada.

As the weekend played out players communed, even from my chair one could sense they got it. Hockey matters in Canada. There are money issues and there are league problems, yet, that all washes away when thousands of crazed fans greet and meet you at every turn. I've said it before and this weekends events fortified my believe that without the fan there is no game.

Hockey Night in Canada interviewed many notables during the course of the game. I found Brian Burkes comment concise, we go through this self destructive exercise every year, condemning the event, he called it kicking ourselves in the a$$. I was surprised to hear my favorite color man Don LesS Cherry, suggest the players and coaches pick the participants. Disappointed is closer to my reaction, seems Donny could be caving to his affiliates. Now that I put it to the key board I realize this is from his unique perspective as a former player and coach. Its OK Grapes, I forgive you.

Ron McLean, a polished hockey expert, sat with Bettman. Many nights over these last few years I have cursed his ( Bettyman's ) existence but find myself agreeing more and more with his, (the owners and GM"s), policy issues. His insistence that who was there mattered and who wasn't didn't is bang on. I find myself with less and less tolerance for the overpaid athlete who somehow sees themselves as self made independent millionaires accountable to themselves only. I'm sorry but to suggest that because one has achieved status one should be cut a break offends this fan. As far I am concerned these are exactly the people that must be accountable. Being a champion is not a release from accountability, if anything it is a heightened responsibility! The true greats of our game working for a he!! of a lot less never forgot who they were or whom they worked for!

I've got news for that sort. No matter how lofty your position or how much you get paid you work for me.

You work for us!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CageMatchEliminationSeries / Champion is Crowned!

The long anticipated final match tween' stajan.41 and AC/DClivewire lived up to my billing royally! Here's how it panned out.

Stajan.41 ------ Caps over Bolts = 20 pts Konopka with 4 pts

Sens beat Habs= 0 pt Carkner with 3 pts

Total = 27pts

AC/DClive ------Flyers over Iles = 20 pts Carcillo with 4 pts

NYR beat the Av's= 0 pts McLeod with 8 pts!

Total = 32 pts

This was a duel right to the end as the Av's NYR game was the last played and there was no clear cut winner until the fat lady sang!

ACDClivewire 'Rocked the House'! check out his profile and you will see he is no stranger to kicking fantasy A$$!

Here's the bruiser that paved the way to victory!

Cody McLeod !

I was going to combine this with the new format but I think the inaugural Champ deserves an entry all of his own.
Congrats ACDClivewire and the rest of you guys keep your ear to the ground the foundation has been laid for a new look at how we do things round here!

the chair.....comment

Sporting News - Rankjosh-waBlog | Feb 07, 2010 03:02 PM
Well.... jeez Dad... I found myself sitting here on a rare day off thinking about you and how we haven't spoke in a while and how your Oilers stink and how my Leafs won last night and I said to myself "I wonder what he's been writing".....

Then I read this and to be honest it meshed perfectly with the way I have been feeling. A lot has changed since the days when that chair provided comfort for our consistently shared love of sports. But the underlying reason for those Weekday Evenings and Weekend Days hasn't. No matter the distance we are apart or the time since we last spoke, the fact remains that I love you. Every time I sit down for my nightly highlight package, or the rare opportunity to watch a full game of anything, I think about you and if you have seen that play or what you think about this or that.
That will never change.

' check your heart at the door ' ?

Check your ego's at the door !

Thats what Darren Pang had to say on the CTV intermission panel during the second period break. The subject matter was Babcock's decision not to let Nash take a penalty shot awarded Canada at the middle frame.

Busting in on the German D Rick Nash did what he does best using his size and soft hands to power by a defense that had no option but pull him down. The officials justly awarded a penalty shot. A play that pre shootout was among the most exciting in the game. So not having to wait for the flood, like in the shootout , we the fan and Nash the player that earned the call que up for action.

But wait Nash does not go to center ice Crosby does! You see in international play the coaching staff can go to another player.

This is absolute bullsh!t !

In my opinion this is at the root of what is wrong with my game today. In a game predicated on heart and emotion ice time ought to be earned one shift at a time. Sure , and you all know i think Sid has been and will continue to be the best two way player on that ice , Crosby has earned his ice time but what of Nash ! He has not scored but plays his a$$ off trying. At this juncture that opportunity could have launched his game to the next level !

I'm sorry but I am ashamed of my team tonight ! Everyone at that game and at home was stunned and perhaps none more than Nash himself who if you watched closely did not move his feet for the rest of the period. That kinda sh!t might fly in Detroit with a team stocked with international players but here on the biggest homer tournament of in the world its sacrilegious !

Nash will indeed ' check his ego ' next game, he is a pro . But you got to wonder about a staff that is promoting a ' check your heart at the door ' philosophy .

blame Canada...

Times have changed
Our kids are getting worse
They won't obey their parents
They just want to fart and curse!
Should we blame the government?
Or blame society?
Or should we blame the images on TV?

No, blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their beady little eyes
And flappin' heads so full of lies
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
We need to form a full assault
It's Canada's fault!

Don't blame me
For my son Stan
He saw the darn cartoon
And now he's off to join the Klan!
And my boy Eric once
Had my picture on his shelf
But now when I see him he tells me to f*ck myself!

Well, blame Canada
Blame Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong
Since Canada came along
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway

My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer rich and true,
Instead he burned up like a piggy on the barbecue
Should we blame the matches?
Should we blame the fire?
Or the doctors who allowed him to expire?
Heck no!

Blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their hockey hullabaloo
And that (expletive) Anne Murray too
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada

The smut we must stop
The trash we must bash
The Laughter and fun
Must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus

baseball fantasy

It was a hard swing, as hard a swing as Ed had mustered all game. Not knowing which had come first, the slap of the ball filling the catcher’s mitt or the realization he had missed entirely. First a ball and now this clean miss, still one and one, he would have taken this before leaving the bench against the arm throwing for them today.

While Ed sleeps at night his mind finds solace in the plays of the week, or for that matter the season. It’s amazing what the subconscious retains when dealing with matters of the heart and baseball uses up his attention. At sixteen, no longer afraid to belong, baseball is his salvation, deliverance from childhood. He has found a common field of play. This diamond in the rough so to speak, allows confidence to flex unimpeded by poor performance he can bask in the experience that is team.His mental play book expanding its pages for the sleeps ahead.

So, what is this feeling of dread? Kicking at the bag, stepping back and going through his checklist something is not right. The bat hangs heavy. The throw catches him thinking when thought should give way to instinct. Strike two! Man a fastball, I know this guy will go after the batter! What was it coach has been saying!? Don’t tip your play, the body reflects the mind, stare them down for Christ sake!

Spring seemed light years earlier. The months of winter have passed and the worst season of Ed’s hockey career is now, finally, only a faint script in his slumber. Although the midget team had done quite well Ed had not. A preseason injury at the school practice field of all places had set the wheels of under achievement in play. As driven as he was to overcome this setback the late start coupled with poor decision making on the ice surface had stolen confidence and the cruelty of internal competition kept him riding the pines most of the season. Not since banishment from the elementary schoolyard recess crowd had he felt such rejection. As it turned out this year was pivotal in Ed’s life, establishing his commitment, nonetheless’ a painful process.

Batting early in the rotation, already the Adamsdale Brigade have one on third, the score five to four in their favor this turn at bat is crucial as the eighth inning winds down and there are two outs.

His hands sweat and he can’t stop fidgeting. The throw; every ounce wants to rip the cover off the ball but he doesn’t swing. Ball two. No surprise.

No other sport is as calculated as baseball. Statistics dictate the strategy, from how many throws a pitcher has in him to when the time is right to swing the bat, or not. Every play has a number tagged to it and every player is a number. Fourth in the rotation, second baseman, batting averages and earned runs, all examples of a players tag, his identity. Yet when played at its purest level the formulas are transparent, you simply feel it. The mathematics translates itself, numbers become patterns, patterns routine and repetition manifests confidence.

Two and two is a pitchers advantage, he’s going to fire one for the outside of the plate, try to get the batter to reach for it and failing that has room in the count to eat the ball. The pitcher knows it, Ed knows, everyone knows.

Inside Ed’s peripheral vision the coach is sending a signal. You have got to be kidding? Coach signals to lay one down and get third home. Doesn’t he know I’m about to explode inside!? Can’t he see me shaking? OK I get it, have to calm myself, step away and steady for the play. The pitch will be off speed and outside, all I have to do is step up and get a piece. All I have to do is focus, visualize the play and execute! Ed digs in.

Sounds simple doesn’t it? Actually it would be if only he could control the emotions. His particular sporting affliction has always been a double edged sword. As much as Ed can be counted on to show up and play with all his might he can also be expected to lose control. Spill his load, so to speak. Unabashed exuberance almost always his undoing, a fact his baseball coach believes makes him a better fit for hockey where the physical play affords a relief valve for surging emotions. At a later juncture in life, if not for sport and the hard lessons learned, his propensity for emotional outbursts could well have caused grief.

Must focus, visualize! Ed stands poised, anticipating the pitch, his breathing slows, and he can finally feel the bat, he twists the grip as if grinding pepper over a plate of pasta. You know, it’s that surreal when panic gives way to calm, when one arrives in the zone the field opens up. It’s not just him and the pitcher! He sees the runner on third, he knows, the coach knows. He sees the third baseman standing slack beyond the plane of the base run, panning, again it’s his timetable, the first baseman is fixated on home plate yet seems oblivious to third.

The pitcher begins his windup, yep, there it is, the open stance telegraphing the off speed pitch. .Lowering the bat Ed step’s forward sliding his strong side in behind, poised for the bunt. The ball leaves early and starts high, no matter, it comes back, in real time, not slowly but in the zone, it seems one can count steam bolts while waiting for it. Meanwhile the field jolts as if just arriving, every player seeming off balance, not aware, all he sees is the ball lumbering at him like something is carrying it. All that is left is to hit the top of the ball, contact is made.Done!

Dropping the bat and almost jumping clear of his shoes he chases the ball, crossing over as it hits the first base line, fair. Legs firing on reflex he races the boys to the ball, he can see the pitcher scrambling laterally but no worry as the play to home has passed him by, it’s that guy churning up the sod dead ahead that screams for Ed’s attention. As they meet at the ball head on he gives him nothing! Not one inch! By the time they shake it off the play is over. The pitcher has tracked down the ball and Ed is out, but not before his team-mate has made it home from third.

The premise of sacrifice lends an honorable tone to everything that is team. Winning a game enables the team, allows its encroachment on the individual. That day, on that field of dreams a potential was realized, demons were conquered as the dragon was slain and the prize claimed. The great game of baseball had in the name of sport and fun channeled anxiety leaving behind a fingerprint, an identity, confidence. Tools of life forged from experience.

Sleep well Ed.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

heads up

I am not going to sit here and debate whether or not this player or that one has committed an offense during the execution of a hockey play called ' body contact'. Suffice to say that many here know my position concerning head-shots and the frenzy to curtail them. For those still unsure, I do recognize the harm done by them that actively try and hurt another yet am prone to temper that awareness with a believe that this ' predatory ' phenomenon is not as prevalent as all that !

Yes , there have been incidents this season that point to individuals playing dirty yet the hysteria that has resulted is beyond reasonable . More to the point of this rant , the reaction and subsequent action of the NHL would be laughable if it were not so potentially damaging to the game of pro hockey ! The matter has been mishandled by the NHL and the NHLPA.

They have introduced a rule that blind side hits ( and broader definitions of said known to them only) are illegal but no on ice penalties will be applied . Thats right , your player is swimming as a result of an obvious blind side hit and your team is the only one who loses the services of a player ! Apparently the Refs are not qualified to make this call ! I guess the actual fans of the game know who will end up being short handed. That is of course if they feel that players should object to the dirty hit that the suits promise will be dealt with as supplementary discipline. This is an absolute joke !

And what of this supplementary discipline ? I suppose we are expected to believe that will be dealt with by the book. Give me a break! You mean like when Colin said no penalty for OV and than took a phone call or two that changed his mind. Or when Cooke gets a bye only to have another get thrown out for 8 games . This type of crap stinks of politics! Is this how we want to decide playoff games ? Is this what has become of our officiating ? Token figures with no more power than a striped shirt calling a Hulk Hogan revival ?

What of the hits in question ? If such a 'predator' surfaces and when such a ' vulnerable' player is ' taken advantage ' of what of the rules of the game that have been applied for decades? Where have the ' charging' calls gone ? What about 'intent to injure ' ? How come if by league definition the last person to touch the puck is deemed in ' possession of ' the puck a hit occurring a split second later is interference ? And it is a ' split second ', I don't care how many times you see it in slow mo !

My point is our league is not enforcing the rules that exist because they do not fit the direction they want to see the game go ! Now we are supposed to believe the lap dogs in the war room will ? I say they are posing !

The NHLPA held up the show a bit stating they wanted on ice , during the game, discipline but caved. Another political move given that the hockey media is frenzy feeding, stoking this hysteria at every opportunity. My lord, I have been listening all night to TV personalities going so far as to take credit for educating the ' public' of the evil practice and the urgent need to eradicate at all costs !

Real fans of pro hockey have been saying all along that stripping the participants of tools to police the game at ice level is causing the problem not solving it yet we have the instigator rule which, regardless of how trivial some claim it to be, was the catalyst that brought us reckless play. Lack of respect was than encouraged when players soon after realized Refs not only lost the names on their back but any real teeth had been pulled when supplementary discipline created two sets of books .

Will this madness ever end ?!

And you thought the foot in the crease was a powder keg !

How did that work out for ya Gary ?

the ringer

Right wing on the second line is not a bad place to be. Able to pull a regular shift I was happy with my good fortune. Although this coach schooled his wingers to play north south, opportunity's to tally were many as our center could dish with the best of them. Its really quite amazing how in tune players can be, such an exhilarating phenomena is team chemistry. I have had experiences when I swear at any given time I could find the tape or put my stick down and have the disc there. Its like you can will it to happen, really.

Doing well at the halfway point of a thirty five game schedule our hopes for a playoff run were for real. It was about than that the grumbling began. Names of players I had not met yet began to be whispered by veterans and training staff. Guys who I had presumed had moved on were still active hidden in the IR and healthy scratch columns were long time team members. As the time to compete for top honors approached these guys began showing up for the few team practices preparing to play. My line stopped producing.The zip and confidences once shared gone replaced by disappointment and dread.

We had ranked high in the post season. My fellow winger and I had put up acceptable numbers definably proving our worth. Yet the word comes down . Demoted to fourth line was our fate. Just as we had anticipated the ringers had arrived we were now role players at best. As it turned out my Hawks won the top prize in no small way helped by the superior talent these late additions brought to the table. I played two shifts that post season both in relief of my former line serving time for bad behaver. Funny thing is I can remember every stride every pass and every hit, all performed with every ounce of team fervor I could muster.

This team I speak of was minor league compared to the NHL. The prize not even definable when compared to the Stanley Cup I can't help but wonder how disappointed players in the bigs must feel when roster spots are lost to late arrivals. Now consider the mental fortitude it must take to overcome the fact that someone will lose their standing to make room. It becomes painfully obvious even to the fan of hockey some player is robbed of their dream. When you consider the total commitment demanded from the game it just doesn't seem fair the team chemistry should be tampered with for the sake of a rental player .

Than again,as this minor leaguer has been schooled,the game is bigger than any one player...or is it ?

SaturdayNightCageMatch 'HOLY GRAIL'! Edition

Come one come all witness the big show ! I know , we know fans are born into the game daily now . Many see and many like this fast paced arduous journey the 'Stanley Cup Playoffs' takes one on.

Professional hockey has arrived on the world stage !

Here at the SNCM we try and keep pace with the action . If any new fan , be them casual or bandwagon. can say we had anything to do with their attention that makes us all winners !



PICK THREE PLAYERS to play all four


If necessary we will play one game at a time after the first four.

overall results to date (including series winner pts and game 1)

Ark Razer============19
edbread =============12
the scurds============5
Lew Troop============2
ZigZag420=========== 7
team carrier======= 3 pts
beverlyboy-------------- 7 pts
LSOK=========== 1 pts

players who picked series winner received equivalent to number of games the series took to finish...the same will apply for the 'Stanley Cup Final'...

Monday, May 31: at Chicago, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, June 2: at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.
Friday, June 4: at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.
* Sunday, June 6: at Chicago, 8 p.m.
* Wednesday, June 9: at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.
* Friday, June 11: at Chicago, 8 p.m.

Saturday, May 29: at Chicago, 8 p.m. results

team carrier======= 3 pts
beverlyboy-------------- 7 pts
LSOK=========== 1 pts = shoulda' stayed Sharp !
ZigZag420-------------- 7 pts
KrazSaiko======== 3 pts
dwb-------------------- 1 pt
Ark_Razor======== 6 pts
edbread----------------- 0 pts
bernieclemente===== 3 pts

Approval Rating: 100% (out of 6 reviews).

Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 08:27 AM
  [ Delete ]
OK I'll pick ...

the breadman says Philly in seven!...

Sporting News - Rankteam carrierBlog | May 29, 2010 08:51 AM
Hawks in 5


I didn't get in on this from the beginning but I will win the Cup Finals!

Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 08:55 AM
  [ Delete ]
thats all right buddy we will recognize this round separately as well...good to see you!...
Sporting News - RankbeverlyboyBlog | May 29, 2010 09:35 AM
I'm back you bunch of priks! 
So, you wanted me, you got me.
Man am I gonna make this a day your gonna regret!
Good to be home Boys.
It's ol BW99, had to get a new tag.
Beverly was the first jail I did time in, has a soft place in my heart!
So......on with the show!
Hawks in 6
They will be up 3-1 after 4 games.
Interesting huh, picking 2 players off the lossing team!
Have a great weekend Ladies.....glad to be back
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 11:15 AM
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wow!...were in trouble now BWua is back!...

...Ok girls hope you check back to pick the winner of each of the first four games...I'm goin' clear that up in the entry now...

Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 11:19 AM
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breadman says Philly in game one...

Hawks game 2
Philly game 3
Hawks game 4
Sporting News - RankLastSonOfKryptonBlog | May 29, 2010 11:38 AM
I'm late to the party, but here to show Carrier how to do it!!!

CHICAGO in 5 Games!!

Game 1 - Chicago
Game 2 - Chicago
Game 3 - Chicago
Game 4 - Philadelphia

Up 3-1 after 4...

1. Jonathon Toews
2. Patrick Kane
3. Patrick Sharp

Nice job ed!! Let the games begin! Pay no attention to beverlyboy, he's just a ONE STAR! lmao!!

Welcome back Beverly!!

C'mon Toews, bring the Cup back to Winnipeg and let's party!!

Sporting News - RankZigzag420Blog | May 29, 2010 11:44 AM
Flyers in 7


Carter, Briere, Richards

Sporting News - RankLastSonOfKryptonBlog | May 29, 2010 11:47 AM
Scratch Sharp actually, and put former Wheatking Big Buff in there instead!

So Toews, Kane and Byfluglien!
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 12:26 PM
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OK boys your on...let the games begin!...heres hopin' the rest see this too...
Sporting News - RankKrazSaikoBlog | May 29, 2010 12:40 PM
Hawks in 5

hawks- Kane
Philly - Giroux
Hawks -Hossa
Hawks - Hossa

Toews, Hossa, Richards
Sporting News - RankdwbBlog | May 29, 2010 12:47 PM
BW99 is in the house!

Thats just one more hoser I'm going to beat on my way to victory. Gonna smack around some nancy from Detroit as well.

Philthy Vs. Chicago.....I'd almost rather watch all of you girls play ring around the rosey. It should be entertaining but F both of them.

I'm taking the Philthadelphia Cheez Whiz in 6 games.


3-1 Philthy after 4.

Good to have ya back BW. I thought Beverly was your middle name, not the place you lost your virginity.
Learn something new everyday...

Its time to ratchet up the smack, BW99 is back and the finals have begun.


Piss off you wankers,

Le Magnifique
Sporting News - RankZigzag420Blog | May 29, 2010 01:47 PM
lol @ doty
Sporting News - RankbeverlyboyBlog | May 29, 2010 02:08 PM
Winners in the first 4 
Sporting News - RankbeverlyboyBlog | May 29, 2010 02:17 PM
Ol dwb 
W-anna be
So my friend, ya want some smack huh.
Congrats on your promotion pencil neck.....How long does a person train for to learn "Welcome to McDonalds, may i take your order".
I heard about your penis implant.......I had one as well...i implanted it in.....well.....just ask your wife...!
Congrats, I heard that your into were the Grand Marshall at the Gay Pride Parade last week......John Wayne would be proud!
Sorry for taking while to get back to you and yes i had the answer to your question-"BW....How does a man grow his biceps to 6 inches".....check your PM.
That's it for now.....way to easy......I feel like I'm firing a gun and my target is .......A FOOTBALL FIELD!
Have a great day men, you too dwb!

Sporting News - RankdwbBlog | May 29, 2010 07:42 PM

I sure did miss you BW99.
Sporting News - RankArk_RazorBlog | May 29, 2010 08:49 PM
Philly in six

Briere, Richards, Toews

Philly in Game 1
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 11:16 PM
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TC and doty please stop foolin' around and pick a winner for each game of the first four ( well three games I gave you the Hawks in the first)...
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 29, 2010 11:35 PM
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hey guys great game...check the body of blog to see updated overall standings and the points for the Final results...
Sporting News - RankbernieclementeBlog | May 30, 2010 12:37 AM
i'd bet on Chicago in six

game 1 - chicago
game 2 - chicago
game 3 - philly
game 4 - chicago
game 5 - philly
game 6 - chicago

and if i would have picked three players, i would have went with Kane, Towes, and Hossa because those were the only three guys i could name you when the season started.
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 30, 2010 09:40 AM
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bernieclemente I gave you game 1 with the players you picked...check the bottom of blog...

...first round includes first will pick three more guys for each of 5, 6, and 7 if necessary...
Sporting News - RankbeverlyboyBlog | May 30, 2010 10:02 AM
Look who's leading after the first game.......ha!
I know it's only one game.......but what the fuk.......I AM WINNING........THE BEST......THE GREATEST......THE BEST THERE IS.......THE BEST THERE WAS........THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE.......LOL...........FOR NOW
Have a great Sunday gentleman.......go hug the women in your wife.....I just did.........and the Caletti twins say Hi......!
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 30, 2010 10:23 AM
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your presence has all trembling with awe as you...beverlyboy...assert your superior ....beverlyboy?...

...OK I can't go along with all that until you give us all the breakdown on this sounds kinda...well you

...of course 'doty' doesn't exactly promote visions of six inch biceps
Sporting News - Rankteam carrierBlog | May 30, 2010 02:45 PM
WTF !!

Game 2 - Hawks GW Hossa
Game 3 - Flyers GW Breire
Game 4 - Hawks GW Toews
game 5 - Hawks GW Kane
Sporting News - RankLastSonOfKryptonBlog | May 30, 2010 08:32 PM
lol, beverlyboy, your no Bret Hart!!

DOTY and BB are hilarious!

peace everybody!!!!!
Sporting News - RankdwbBlog | May 30, 2010 09:16 PM
philly would have been my game 1 pick 


Happy Memorial Day
Sporting News - RankedbreadBlog | May 30, 2010 11:14 PM
TC   [ Delete ]

Sporting News - Rankteam carrierBlog | May 31, 2010 01:42 PM
What did I do now Ed lol!
Sporting News - RankbeverlyboyBlog | Jun 02, 2010 02:20 PM
The origin of Beverly Boy 
I was arrested for 3 counts of assualt when I was 19, I did 3 years in a Jail just out side of Edmonton Called Beverly Reman Center.
Because I was young, but an owley prick back then( yes I;ve changed lol), the boys would always say "Here comes the Beverly Boy" when ever I walked into the gym or the yard.
It's the nic name I am refered to when the boys and me ride so I thought what the hell!
And yes Last son who still breast feeds at 24, I know Brett Hart.....I would kick his (expletive)( especially since he had a stroke....ha)
I actually know him quite well. He's a big supporter of Special Olympics in both Edmonton and Calgary and I used to coach track and field for years chair the fund development comittee and sit on the board of directors so our paths have crossed and had some wonderful sit downs with this man over the years.
He's a wonderful man with an amzing life story and a heart as big as the moon.
Have a great week gentleman.......LAST SON....TIME TO CHANGE (expletive)..........LOL!( you started it)