Sunday, August 22, 2010

entry number 312

What can I say that has not been said countless times over the last week or so. Waking to the new page the other morning was confusing and discouraging . I have steadfastly committed to this community of great writers and personalities even as we have constantly been told we are lacking compared to before and I will continue to do so wherever I write.

Problem is it will not be here. I know that sounds silly but I cannot get past the presumption tSN has made pushing us aside. They care so little for who we are and what we have to offer '' , a site that is so far removed from that, is all they offer? I know sooner than later the exterminator will be by to chase all of us out of our little hole down here in the root cellar. Personally I prefer to walk out on my own than be cut off at the knees .

Many know me as loyal and dedicated to this community. That commitment will continue as I pledge to carry its spirit with me while writing and participating wherever eventually I find members taking a stand elsewhere .

Now comes the hard part . I know goodbye is not the word as I just said I will find most of you somewhere else yet it sure does feel like a goodbye. Someone else talked about this place filling in a space , a void during a time when company was at a premium. Personally these last four years have been troubled for me as change and uprooting took place. Well every morning this group was here for me. You listened, you gave inspiration, you were a voice away from my pain and for that I will always be grateful.

I have to admit a flaw in our relationship, it is my flaw. I have had and continue to have a problem with intimacy on the internet. Although I have written and divulged many intimate topics here it was in spite of that shortfall . Some of you that have made an effort to know me better have been left short I'm sure. Please forgive me .

I could now list many wonderful friends past and present yet hope you ALL understand that not possible without exclusion of someone and that is just not fair to what is and shall always remain with me the ' Community ' and everything that represents. I know, that will come across as cold to some or maybe a little to full of myself yet to others they will see in that statement what so appeals to me, the notion of team and one for all.

I am currently in the process of archiving before I delete my entries here. As many know I value what was born on the page here and wish to carry that with me. The idea is to follow Ark and his group to their new location where I will be perpetuating the 'SaturdyNightCageMatch 'for another season of great pro hockey in the NHL ! I hope many will come visit and play along.To be clear I will continue to come here as long as here is. Contributing by way of comment to any efforts those who wait it out produce.

So, to you my good friends 'its see ya later' tSN ' kiss my (expletive) goodbye '.

Geeze, i could have saved you guys a lot of time and just said that in the first place.

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