Welcome to another peek at past work. This format serves me well as time is tight , yet, I am hoping its relevance to the days topics strike home with some of you.
The year 2010 will see the NHL once again fore-go the NHL All-Star Game in favor of its athletes participating in the Olympics. I am not here today to make a case against that decision only to discuss why this fan believes it important and necessary the All Star Game exist.
kicking ourselves in the a$$. ..rant
The All Star event is all about process and not necessarily result. This premise applies to just about all the hype including the pregame controversy. I have made my views plain to all that know me, marketing the game is paramount. As much as the hardcore fan of hockey expects all aspects of the NHL to cater to his/her requirement to be entertained this game of ours must never forget it is a game. Frivolous fun is what endeared us to hockey and as the original Heritage Classic demonstrated to the world we honor our roots. This honorable commitment to play captures the fancy of the casual fan endearing them to our sport.
Process not result. Not that goal was scored, but, the puck picked out of the air than passed to another who in turn picked it out of the air to score.
Process not result. Not that the score was double digit, but, the game was filled with line combination's and dazzling plays we would never see in a regulation match.
Process not result. Not how the starting lineup was decided by the fan, yet, that the game entertains same. I don't believe anyone could say that it was not entertaining.
Two things rang loud for me whilst I watched. Over the course of the weekends events players slowly shed that guarded posture they arrived wearing. What with questions about who is there and whom is not. Suspensions and the sensationalist media that prey on discontent were not surprisingly timid, not loose. All that BS slowly evaporated. Arriving to crowds at the airport to meet them it very quickly became apparent they weren't in Tampa Bay. They arrived in the hockey hotbed of North America, Montreal Canada.
As the weekend played out players communed, even from my chair one could sense they got it. Hockey matters in Canada. There are money issues and there are league problems, yet, that all washes away when thousands of crazed fans greet and meet you at every turn. I've said it before and this weekends events fortified my believe that without the fan there is no game.
Hockey Night in Canada interviewed many notables during the course of the game. I found Brian Burkes comment concise, we go through this self destructive exercise every year, condemning the event, he called it kicking ourselves in the a$$. I was surprised to hear my favorite color man Don LesS Cherry, suggest the players and coaches pick the participants. Disappointed is closer to my reaction, seems Donny could be caving to his affiliates. Now that I put it to the key board I realize this is from his unique perspective as a former player and coach. Its OK Grapes, I forgive you.
Ron McLean, a polished hockey expert, sat with Bettman. Many nights over these last few years I have cursed his ( Bettyman's ) existence but find myself agreeing more and more with his, (the owners and GM"s), policy issues. His insistence that who was there mattered and who wasn't didn't is bang on. I find myself with less and less tolerance for the overpaid athlete who somehow sees themselves as self made independent millionaires accountable to themselves only. I'm sorry but to suggest that because one has achieved status one should be cut a break offends this fan. As far I am concerned these are exactly the people that must be accountable. Being a champion is not a release from accountability, if anything it is a heightened responsibility! The true greats of our game working for a he!! of a lot less never forgot who they were or whom they worked for!
I've got news for that sort. No matter how lofty your position or how much you get paid you work for me.
You work for us!
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