ood mourning guys and gals. Sunday mourning and all is well in the world of sports entertainment blogging, I hope.
Many of you know me, well you are aware of edbread, a persona portrayed on this site. I have always maintained to all that will listen i am not far from what appears here on the page. Thats not really so, how could it be? You fine folk are not going to read about my faults, my downfalls , the bald spot at the back of my head, I'm just not going to be offering up everything about myself. Thats the beauty of this venue, the internet, virtual personalities can be whatever one chooses them to be.
Albert Einstein himself said that information is not knowledge. The 'critical thinker' will know not to take all he or she reads or hears as gospel. This is an hard lesson to learn, we humans are lazy by nature. It takes discipline and hard work to go beyond the surface of what is reported. Digging deeper should be the ultimate goal of anyone, especially the journalist.
Where does that reality leave the blogger? We usually are solely dependent on educated reporting of the news by professionals who have a window we don't. Which brings me to the point.
Care must be taken to identify these active members of the media that actually move in the world of sport. Information is disseminated daily by people who aren't responsible for its authenticity. People like you and I. People not always as up front about there credentials as they should be. It's one thing for edbread to leave an impression he has a full head of hair, its another for a paid contributor to pass off information, sometimes sensitive information, as word!
Thus ends the lecture of the day. Now where did I put that shoe polish?
Allow me to end this entry with something dear to my heart. We here at the Sporting News have been going through a transition period. Its not intention to address the reasons, just the fallout. That is to say we have lost many in the shuffle, yet, I am taking comfort in the many that have been coming on board as of late.
Please, lets all take some time to discover whom they are and welcome there efforts as they appear. I remember when I first arrived. It was thrilling to receive my first comment on an article I had entered. For me it had always been a dream of mine to write, never given the opportunity to pursue writing in the real world this was my stage.
You all know my bag is hockey. The following bloggers have captured my attention with their brand of writing and I would like to acknowledge their efforts while asking you my friends to please give them a read. Lets all band together and restore our venue.( just click on the usernames that follow)
Not all of these members are new to the site but all have been actively blogging as of late and deserve our consideration.
Take a moment and read the very first comment this blogger received here at the Sporting News.
The person at the monitor is the ultimate interface, please comment on our members efforts.
Thank You. Ed.
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